Monday, May 11, 2009

Clearer Regs for Genetic Testing, Please!

Here's a good example to demonstrate that, contrary to popular opinion, business does not always hate regulation. Good, clear, consistent regulation is good for business.

L.A. Times: Genetic testing system is badly flawed, experts say
Genetic tests that predict a person's risk of disease or suggest which types of treatments may succeed or fail are taking center stage in medicine. However, the lack of consistent government oversight of the testing industry poses enormous concerns for consumers and health professionals, experts said in a letter to Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The letter, signed by a diverse coalition of groups representing genetic testing laboratories, patient advocates, investors and health policy researchers, called for a new framework to oversee genetic testing that is consistent for all tests....

P.s., about the headline. "System?" What system? There is no system. And that's not a criticism, it's just a fact.


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